To Apply


  1. Player must be a Mississauga resident (and prove residency).
  2. The player cannot be registered with any other Hockey League.
  3. The Mississauga Hockey League will decide which Association the player will register with.
  4. No releases will be granted once registered.
  5. Player must write a brief letter explaining why he/she wants to play hockey in the Mississauga Hockey League.
  6. Player must provide a copy of his/her most recent school Report Card.
  7. Parent must write a brief letter explaining the need for Play-More assistance and provide some basic “proof of income” information. (e.g. CRA Notice of Assessment)

Completed the Application below and attach the above documentation:


Download a PDF of the Play-More Program Application Form and send to:

Executive Director
Mississauga Hockey League
PO Box 21071, RPO Meadowvale
Mississauga, ON   L5N 6A2


Kid Playing Hockey
Applications for the current playing season need to be submitted prior to October 1st.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, pdf, docx, txt, Max. file size: 2 MB, Max. files: 4.
    1 - Players brief letter explaining why he/she wants to play hockey.
    2 - Recent School Report Card.
    3 - Parents brief letter explaining the need for Play-More Assistance.

    By signing this document the Guardian and Player confirm all information provided herein is accurate and true. Any falsified information provided within this statement will result in the player being subjected to immediate deregistration from the Play-More Program and possible future sanctioning of play within the Mississauga Hockey League.
    Clear Signature
    Clear Signature
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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